August 25, 2008

5 Important Tips When Travel

Travelling to a new place that you never been there before is very interesting and fun, but you might need to be very careful. Rob or kidnap in other countries is very normal case that we saw, they choose us, why ? Because we are new to the places, they are looking for chance to cheat us.

There are a few simple life tips but it's very important to know when you are in Hotel :

1) Check-in Hotel
- When you reach and ready to check in to the hotel, never face your name tag in your luggage to the public. You are giving chance to "someone".

2) Distribute Room Number
- Tourist Guide have to distribute the room number in the bus but not in the lobby, because "someone" might interest with your room number, your name and other of your informations.

3) When you Are In Group
- If you are in group with your friends, never shout your room number to your friends, this is what we normally did, right ? Never give chance to "someone" to know your details.

4) Language
- If you travel to other countries, let say you travel to Taiwan, it's recommended to speak in other language that "someone" doesn't understand, example : Cantonese

5) Take Cab
- When you want to go somewhere, maybe you will take a cab. Attention ! When step in, gentlemen first; when step out, ladies first! Because when you leave ladies alone in the cab first, the driver might drive off before gentlemen get in!

My Thoughts

Travelling might be very fun, interesting and happy, but you may need to pay attention on certain things too. We don't hope anythings bad happen to us during our happy travelling too. Especially gentlemen, never leave ladies alone. There are tonnes of kidnap case in other countries, most of the victims are ladies.
At last, wish you have a happy travelling !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never take cab when I travel to other countries. Either take bus or by walking.
Take cab in the place that you don't know, it's easier for you to reach a place that you totally don't know, but it's very danger!
Especially girl, the driver will drive you to somewhere because you don't know where he fetch you to.